Conversation Between Sinister and Victoria

76 Visitor Messages

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  1. Brad Tries is awesome... I've only seen one Kung Tai Ted and it was hilarious.
  2. Hahah. That's cool. I really only watch his Kung Tai Ted and Brad Tries stuff. I saw some of the Cinema Snob stuff before and it was all right, but I like Kung fu stuff better. XD
  3. Lol If you had just introduced me to Cinema Snob and I hadn't known before about him, my gratitude would know no bounds. He's awesome. But, believe it or not, he was the one that got me into exploitation films. That an film class. But you are the salt of the earth, spreading the word.

  4. Okay, g'night.
  5. The others can just be NPCs that you guys control...

    I'll see if I can muster up my groove tomorrow. I'm going to bed.
  6. That's fine! Fukumi and Shino are both great characters.
  7. Yeah, I guess.. You have a point with that. I just have too many damn characters. I think I'll just stick with Shino and Fukumi...
  8. I hate bleach, to be honest. I read the last chptr of the manga and the series has actually become one of my least favorite animes/mangas of all time. But I believe in the system and the characters I invested time to create, so for some reason it doesn't hurt the rp for me...least not that much. Cause I can write bleach the way I think it's should've been.
  9. No idea. But the answer was a "I'll see what I can do."

    Cause honestly I don't really like Bleach anymore.
  10. Why do I still get the impression that the answer was a "no"... =/
  11. Well Andro has been waiting for you to post, and you did a few days ago, so now he can post again. He's working on it.

    And good... Fukumi doesn't like an emo Mahonna.

    I'll think about posting... see what I can do, but no promises.

    Although I'm not gonna play catch up.
  12. Didn't want to control them for you. And Mahonna is officially breaking out of her emo phase at the end of this arc. But yea, no one has been RPing, one of the reasons I solicited you with a VM.
  13. So mahonna isn't an emo with a mohawk or whatever anymore?

    And I haven't really been in the groove for RPing lately.

    And you say mahonna needs me but I really doubt it. I mean, my characters are there for you guys to control...
  14. You should post in the RP, Mahonna needs you and we all have to get out of this arc, somehow.
  15. Knew about the first one; just didn't know what band.
    No, didn't hear of the second one.

    And what does "out of my element" mean? Am I not allowed to listen to music at all, then?

    It's not my fault I wasn't raised on metal. I was raised on the beetles and the beach boys (dad's music) and elvis (mom's music).

    I didn't find out about metal until high school. My first rock band was Disturbed.

    So excuse me for being a late bloomer. @_@
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