Conversation Between LIGHTNING_71013 and Ralz

66 Visitor Messages

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  1. Yeah. They;re both masters of designing.
  2. ok....but fate is not online at the moment i'll ask him tommorw. thanks anyways.
  3. Sorry, but I don't do pictures very well.

    Ask Fate and ViviMasterMage, though. They're masters of it.
  4. hey ralz, i was wondering if you use GIMP... i have some
  5. Hmm...
  6. un huh! and ur client (who was innocent) will be claimed GULITY!! Muuhhhahaaaaa
  7. I'll probably want a notepad to keep track of everything, then.

    I guess you lose if you're case is bad?
  8. no not at all... but you'll have to understand the storyline( not a problem) and be cautious of clues so you can remember to use it in trial. so yah.
  9. I'll have to add that to the list of games to try. Is it hard?
  10. yup for the DS. its considered a good game...
  11. Hmm... looks interesting.

    DS game, huh? Interesting...
  12. here...

  13. do you want me to send you some screenshots...i wouldnt want to spoil it for you,,,
  14. Like an actual court case? That sounds awesome, but at the same time, do they really expect a player to sit there and be a lawyer?
  15. but apparently you have to be very patient with the takes long and theres a lot of talking..well actually talking is the basis of the yah...and thats why i play it right before i sleep cuz i dont have that time and patience during the day lol.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 15 of 66
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