Conversation Between nickness89 and Rowan

5 Visitor Messages

  1. Im male, thats just an avatar of some incredibly hot cosplayer that noone seems to know the identity of. And no problem!
  2. Thanks for the thanks I usually get negative remarks to most thing I post in a political or debatable discussion

    Sorry I have to ask, are you a guy or a chick ... I'm confused by the avatar (very convincing Rikku dress-up btw, I thought it was the actual character).
  3. Its just that the title of the thread is "where to download british shows" and you mentioned downloading over 200 movies and gave a link to Utorrent. It just sugguests illegal activity, thats all im saying. I believe torrents are legal. I download movies all the time. I can because I own them.
  4. I didn't utter the words or advise illegal downloading. Utorrent itself is completely legal, it's just some of the files that can be downloaded that are illegal.

    Thanks for the heads up though, I've experienced unfairness before on this forum, i'm expecting plenty more
  5. careful about posting links and such in posts. They might give you warnings for linking to Utorrent and discussing piracy. In fact, they most certainly will. Just a heads up.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 5 of 5