Conversation Between Dimi and Rikkuffx

39 Visitor Messages

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  1. dude heyyyy
  2. You should get some rest and lay down.
  3. yea im just really tired.
  4. Damn, that sucks. Good to know you're feeling better though.
  5. feeling a little better,i went to the doc yesterday and they had to draw more blood to check my i was poked 5 times in 3 days and they filled up 7 tubes of blood blah
  6. Hey, how are you?
  7. hey you
  8. Don't worry. You'll be hearing from me soon.
  9. miss you I never hear from you anymore
  10. fishieee
  11. they are going really good hope everythings well with you too
  12. Miss you too. Hope things are going good.
  13. fishie...i miss you!!
  14. hehe i dont even remember lol i'm listening to my radio now
  15. Tcht. Don't question my musical tastes.

    J/K. What did you listen to?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 15 of 39
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