Conversation Between gamorade and Andromeda

4 Visitor Messages

  1. Yeah the "A" is for Admin.

    But yeah, there is a certain system of tactics you have to figure out for FFXIII and it makes a lot of the fights work out, even without a specific one. But glad it worked out.
  2. Believe it or not it was quite helpful. I was barely able to beat the thing, if I remember correctly. So yeah, thanks for that! Saved me lot's of time of playing with combinations, which can be quite boring

    Oh is that what that "A" near your name refers to?
  3. I refreshed my memory, but I do remember the replies I made to your questions. It was back when I was still going pretty strong in FFXIII knowledge. Nowadays I probably remember FFXIII-2 better. But I'm glad to hear that I was able to help you. I know that there quite a few things in the game that presented a good challenge for people.

    Yeah, I'll probably still be active for quite sometime seeing that I'm an admin. ^^
  4. I doubt you remember me, but you answered my question in a thread a few years back, and I was just visiting today for the first time in a bit.
    Whilst checking my posts I made way back, you replied a with tutorial-like long post which I remember as quite helpful.
    I was just coming around saying hi to the few people I do remember on this forum.
    It's nice to see that some of the names I recognize are still around.
    Hopefully I will remember to check back in tomorrow for the reply(s) I get.
    Nice seeing your still active though
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