Conversation Between HUNK and Unknownangel

70 Visitor Messages

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  1. I got a busy summer so I won't be on much to.
  2. Uh nothing I guess.
    I am just passing time now that tests and school are over. I'll probably not be on in awhile.
  3. Hey it been a while, whats up?
  4. All right, going out for soccer, watched Alice in wonderland in 3D and thought of it awesome, final grades for 3rd quarter of school are A's and B's, found out about some thing about me... ect.
  5. Yeah I'm not really back yet but I will be soon.

    So, how've you been?
  6. I man long time no see!
  7. Hey it been a while,whats up?
  8. Hey hows it goin,whats your plans for xmas?
  9. Yah it snowed again really had today. I really hope I get a really good snowboard. The one I have now is bad and I can't find it. And the cast is because I broke my left thumb.
  10. Heh, it snowed once here...Just once. Before you know it it was already gone so I didn't get to snowboard either...I wanted too though.
    How'd you get a cast? Break your arm?
  11. Hows it going over there? I go t my cast off yesterday but can't do any fun activities like snowboarding or football stuff like that with out it for 4 more weeks so I'm keeping it on.
  12. Um, yo.
  13. Hey Hunk!
  14. That not bad..our are the jets so no mascot real but we don't need one our sports team and such kills the other ones most of time.
  15. Ah, I think I know what style you're talking about. Our mascot is the Trojan(Don't laugh) so our uniform is supposed to represent trojan helms I think...
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 15 of 70
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