Conversation Between Dodie16 and Pete

109 Visitor Messages

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  1. Sounds like you guys had quite the week! I'm for you two!

    As for my bday, it was pretty good. Low key, but good
  2. Great now that I'm finally home! Sooo tired though. Hope you had an awesome bday!
  3. Thank you kindly maam! How's everything going?
  4. Happy birthday, Pete!
  5. That would be a bastard thing to do... :/ Tell Loco to guard that name with his fragile life until you're ready to change back!
  6. I might have to change it back to Pete. I'm starting to fear someone will take it just to lock me out of it

  7. Peace be with you, Brother Pe...uh...Chad Q. Billingsley.
  8. I didn't even know what to make of the whole situation. When I told my friend about the story, his eyes widened and he was equally freaked out. Then he told me I shouldn't be allowed out without an adult, since strange things always seem to happen to me.

    And thank ya Reverend Dodie!
  9. It would all make so much more sense to you if it did
  10. D'aww :3 Tele actually suggested her. I haven't played the games yet.
  11. You would be Liara
  12. I really want this autograph haha! I'm determined, and every um, gil counts! But really thank you. This can become all sorts of awesome and hilarious
  13. No problem! Tried sending you some more, so hopefully it works this time...
  14. You are all sorts of awesome! Thank you!
  15. Eternal damnation by association? I think I can live with that.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 15 of 109
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