Conversation Between Bubble Boy and GypsyElder

9 Visitor Messages

  1. Muwhahah yes, because I am evil.
  2. Nuuuu that's not fair. I don't give negative rep, but you can give me?
  3. so if I give you red,don't take it hard, okay?
  4. Ohh noes.

    I dun want that.
  5. Just don't give out any red, or else you will see my sad face.
  6. Yep. Haha then again I give thanks whenever I fee like it
  7. I make a lot of stupid posts, so that should fall under "funny" right?
  8. Haha those are reputation/thanks points rofl. If someone likes your post you get green and if someone dislikes you get red .. So make good/ funny posts XD
  9. You're my first green point thing.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 9 of 9