Conversation Between LocoColt04 and NikkiLinkle

15 Visitor Messages

  1. Prod.
  2. I have no idea but its all good now. I made a new one haha. Thanks anyway!
  3. Were you trying to delete it? Or are you trying to make it visible again? You can edit the entry and its privacy settings so that it shows up for everyone again. You might have changed it accidentally when you originally posted our edited or somesuch.
  4. Hey boss guy. Idk who to ask so I ask you. I made a blog entry just now and I somehow deleted it but I can still view it. But nobody else can. How does one fix this?

    Also hi! Hope you're having a good night.
  5. Bass is only four, you could totally learn!
  6. Yeah, Idk if I could play the guitar. I mean, I can only play medium on guitar hero! NO way I could play guitar irl haha. Plus my hands get sore easily. Making lights for 5 years would do that to you. BUT I should be able to handle 3 strings!
  7. Really, once you know any stringed instrument, you know the basis for all of the stringed instruments. Violin when I was much younger was what led me into picking up the bass guitar more easily. I still for the life of me can't handle six strings though. Way too uncoordinated. Arthritis might have something to do with it as well.
  8. Sweet. I'll be self teaching myself violin. I used to play in high school, for a few months haha. I've always wanted to try again. Just as a hobby. I could play the muthaf*ckin' can can, back in the day.
  9. Just the right amount of information! Haha.

    Bass guitar, with a bit of piano on the side. Basic chords on guitar, and self-taught violin when I was much younger so that I could help my sister learn.
  10. What do you play? I bought a black violin, on ebay.I'd love to smell your hair. Especially because I'm on the train right now and I'm quite sure, this old man shat himself. Omg it's disgusting. Sorry to share that with you.
  11. Oh shit, I missed my opportunity to be crass.

    Um, and yes, feel free to swing by and smell my hair whenever you'd like.
  12. Does playing one instrument and somewhat playing three more and having perfect pitch count? If so, then maybe. :3
  13. Are you a musical genius though?! I'm pretty sure his hair has something to do with it, it's magic or something. When you say luxurious, I think of shampoo and how lovely your hair must smell, if it is actually as luxurious as you claim. I know that sounds kinda creepy, but whatever.
  14. Perhaps! My curls are far more luxurious though.
  15. Idk why, but you remind me of Claudio Sanchez. I think it's the hair haha
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 15 of 15