Conversation Between GHOSTED and bahamuts heir

11 Visitor Messages

  1. I'd never do that!
    I had a couple of bad Japanese test grades.
    PS. I would kill a human before I would kill a dog
  2. that sucks bro, what'd you do, kill a dog?
  3. I've been grounded
  4. Not really, wasn't aware you left. Haven't been on in a while, life got busy
  5. Hey rose! Miss me?
  6. Aren't we all?
  7. too
  8. Not much just a little bored
  9. It's cool lol, what's up?
  10. Based it off the avatar
    sorry bout the misunderstanding
  11. You called me Vampiress...I'm a dude, Izzybear is actually my fiance, she does all the Vampire verbs in our relationship lol
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 11 of 11