Conversation Between the_savior21 and Hero without a Name

11 Visitor Messages

  1. its been a rough couple months havent been on here via computer in ages its nice to be back
  2. Tis been a while, how is everything on your side?
  3. Im alright i suppose just got done with ffvii a few days ago
  4. Just means how's it going, how u doing mate!
  5. I don't think im gettin it lol what good word
  6. What's the good word?
  7. Not a whole lot man im working right now just waiting to get off his about urself
  8. What up?
  9. i did the same thing and also got them on my ps3 and its pretty legit
  10. I saw the post and I'll take it into consideration, though I finally defeated the game so I probably won't be playing it for a while. Thinking about buying a psp and download some of the older style games
  11. hey check the most annoying battle in ff8 thread put somethin on there might help ya out when it comes to your button mashing syndrome
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 11 of 11