Conversation Between Josh_R and RagnaToad

8 Visitor Messages

  1. Haha. Nice.
  2. I have been trying for a month to remember who the hell that is in your avy. Then it hit me this morning A Clockwork Orange, excellent movie, even better novel.
  3. maybe Kale, not sure though
  4. Sounds exciting. Have a name for the kid yet?
  5. Throat infection suck, had a few myself lately.

    I have been pretty good. Just waiting on my fiancee to have my kid. Had to get a side job at McDonalds, cause the Marine's aren't giving me the money that I need.
  6. I've got a very painful bacterial throat infection at the moment.
    I stopped being stubborn and decided to take the prescribed antibiotics.

    How are you?
  7. I know we never talk, but I just wanted to leave you a vm, and say whats up
  8. Take care in Iraq, man.
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