Conversation Between Victoria and Midnight Panda

21 Visitor Messages

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  1. probably not.
  2. Oh well. You probably don't have enough gil.
  3. its not letting me deposit
  4. Change what amount? You can deposit whatever amount you want into the bank...

    So I have no idea what you're talking about.
  5. i cant change that amount
  6. So you've tried but you can't? Are you sure you're doing it right?

    vbCommerce > Check > and then you put the amount of gil you want to put into savings and then you click ok. You have 200 gil, just put 100 in there.
  7. lol well i know, but i cant semm to actually PUT some in there
  8. Keep posting, and don't post crap. Also, put gil in the bank.
  9. hey ur pretty rich. any tips of how to get richer
  10. kk sorry...
  11. I notice you seem to be posting a lot of "answers" in the how do I forum.
    Would you mind not doing that? I mean, you obviously don't actually know any of the answers, you're just rehashing what's been said previously and plagiarizing.

    All you're doing is increasing your post count. Which can be seen as spam. I know you're probably just trying to be helpful, but you're doing it the wrong way.
  12. That is the TFF Awards userbars. You have to wait until the end of the year to even be nominated for something like that.
  13. ok well i do want my name changed. and also i would like to know i see all those little picture things under peoples signatures. how do i get those? like there is one that says final fantasy fan 2008
    and one that says
    most talkative 2008
  14. ok. (ya i did forget sorry lol) and ok thank you, i will change my user then.
  15. That question was already answered in the thread for you.
    Yes, it does, obviously. You login with the new username.

    And lol, you posted in the adoption thread, wanting someone to mentor you around the site. That's what being paired with me means. Did you forget you posted in there?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 15 of 21
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