Conversation Between Halie and Dimi

66 Visitor Messages

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  1. Yep. Just finished my first year. I'm currently taking summer classes and I'll be out by the end of this month.

    And I went yesterday to the concert. Haha. It was more of a festival. I saw Rob Zombie, Korn, Lamb of God, and Five Finger Death Punch live. It was awesome! I got there around the afternoon and it didn't end till late last night. There were three stages. Other bands like In This Moment, Norma Jean, and Atreyu were there too. I didn't get a chance to catch Atreyu play but I saw Norma Jean. They were actually pretty good. My favorite live acts were Rob Zombie and Lamb of God. I kinda wish Zombie was the closing band though. Korn was the last one to play. They were actually really good, but Rob Zombie's just damn awesome.
  2. Ahh, are you in college now?

    Who are you going to see ?
  3. I've been really good. I've been just enjoying my summer until fall classes start. I'm really stoked about a concert I'm going to this weekend. I haven't been to one since last year!
  4. Yes, and so are you =D.

    I'm alrighty, doing pretty good actually ^^. And yourself? =D
  5. You're alive!!! How have you been?
  6. Thanks, Uncle Bob ^^.
  7. I must be seriously out of the loop. Happy Belated Birthday!
  8. lol, thanks ^_^. That's one very groovy Crimbo banner. XD Merry Xmas ^^.
  9. lmao XD. Oh yeah, definately the dude thing. =P.

    Hmm... I'd say 11 or twelve would be a good amount. Haha.
  10. Your album should be called, "Emotic Charles" (She could be a dude if you want) How many songs would you want on the album? I could imagine the songtitles. ><
  11. Yeah, I'll get people from all over the internet to print out posters and flyers and spread them across their towns, before you know it the whole world'll know me XD. And then I'll go on to write many more antics of the Bisexual Emo. Hmm... what would my album be called...

    Yeah, and they'd have badges and stuff with it, too XD. And they'll designer bonjo drumbs and banjos with 'Charlotte's an EMO EMO EMO' all over them.

    lol. I wonder what Charlotte would say if that happened... .
  12. Haha. Wow. That would be killer. All you need is some good promotion to get it on the radio. Then it'll be this hot sensation where you see shirts with a banjo and a bongo drum on the front and "Charlotte's an EMO EMO EMO" on the back.
  13. Lmfao XD. AND, instead of a guitar, it'll be a banjo =P haha. And then as the big EMO chants go on, they fade out towards the end, and go into the big rockin' "Charlotte! Bisexual emo!"

  14. Yeah! And for the drums use those little bongo drums. Then for the solo, just go ape shit with it while chanting and screaming "EMO EMO EMO EMO EMO"
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