Conversation Between Chez Daja and Unknown Entity

65 Visitor Messages

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  1. Thanks, I appreciate that. =D
  2. I lol'd.
    I do love your journal. Always very well written, and interesting. =3
    This message should have been Thanks, but I Thanked you already. =S
  3. At what I wonder? ^^;;
  4. I lol'd. <3
  5. I can't eat a whole banana. I like them, but feel sick halfway through. I'll be sure to try that out though! I like water, so that'll be easy enough. ^^

    Salads are very good too when it's hot. They're light, and good for you anyway. I fancy one now, but we've only got dark leafs in the fridge. =S
  6. Yeah, agreed!

    I found a great way to stop from bloating in the Summer is to drink a pint of water and eat a banana. It just feels so much better than stuffing my face with something boarderline of a meal.
  7. It's the heat me thinkies. I tend to drink more and eat less this time of the year, and I notice the same in everyone else. Maybe because it takes more effort to get around because of the heat this time of year... *shrugs*

    Urgh... nothing worse than chocolate when it's hot. It turns... sickly and horrible. Unless it's ice-cream - then it's different. ^^
  8. Hahaha, yeah it must be. My brother used to eat like a horse as well. He's not eating as much now that it's summer for some reason, though. I think people tend to eat slightly less in the summer because it makes them just feel sluggish and bloated.

    Like, I hate eating chocolate in the summer because it seems to make me feel really bloated, even if it's only a small one. It's weird. :S
  9. Probably not! XD
    I wouldn't say your eatting habits were boring - you know what you like, and thats all that matters. =)

    I think it's a guy thing. *nods*
  10. I want to make chicken strips, but at 1am, I don't think it's the best idea. And yesss, caesar salad <3. I order it from every restaurant I go to. People find my eating habits boring and predictable, haha.

    I have no idea how he got hungry so quickly -- it just seems to happen all of the time. Every few hours he'll ask for food. It's a surprise he's not fat.
  11. *drools* I love their caeser salad... <3

    Aww... that would have been awesome. I made chiken strips instead. My brother was supposed to eat some too, but didn't. The rest are in the fridge for whoever to claim tomorrow... Heh, how did he get hungry that fast? 0_o
  12. Yeah, we're going out to dinner in a few nights... we'll probably fit other stuff in before and after that night, but we're going out to Nandos, where they do an awesome chicken caesar salad.

    As for being hungry, I fed him earlier, but he's hungry again now! I guess it's lucky that I like cooking so much, haha. I'd cook you something, but you probably don't live all that close to me. I've only met one other person on the net who actually lives in the same area as me, strangely.
  13. Cool, cool. Got any plans with Andrew? =)

    I'm starving! If I was there, I'd be begging for food too! I'll go and bung something on in a sec... I knew I should have said yes when my mum asked me if she should make extra for me... XD
  14. Will do!

    Yeah, I'm fine thanks. Andrew's on the sofa at the moment, I'm sure he'll be begging for food soon, though. How about you??
  15. XD
    Sir Figsalot it shall be! Feel free to come around and visit! ^^

    So, hows things with you? Having fun?
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