Conversation Between Yoko and Hero without a Name

58 Visitor Messages

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  1. Much appreciate, it's a story line. Currently writing part 3. Keep on checking out, tell your friends!
  2. Whoops, that was supposed to be directed towards the first one. +rep for you anyway.
  3. That's good, if you're always doing something. Work goes faster as does time and then you're done faster. The hotel had a slow week last week though I'm starting on my 8 day shift this coming week. 8 nights in a row Ah well. I just bought FFI/II for the ps1, I'm playing it on normal difficulty. Tis legit hard lol
  4. Well, Work's getting pretty busy for me too. I couldn't even leave the office once on Sunday. It was insane. Constantly calling people, and there was always something happening. I like it. It's the beginning of our peak season.
  5. Yes I'm alive lol, work has taken me alive and then I was sleeping for the rest of it....blah. How u doing?
  6. Heeey, he lives! I've been okay. How are you?
  7. Hey Hey Hey, long time no see how it going?
  8. I'm just trying to think, if you work afternoons and I work late night shift, we could find some middle ground in between right? What r your hours? PM if you like
  9. No worries. I can wait.
  10. Hey, yeah sorry my schedule is never the same it always flutaces. This coming week I'm off until Wednesday and then I work all evenings, though I can be in the airport area in the afternoon time. Tis crazy I tell you lol
  11. Hey, sorry >< I've been busy, and I got sick again. I'm alright otherwise.

    You never ended up telling me your schedule. Mine doesn't change really. It just depends on when I need to actually be in the office to do work. I'm on afternoons this week.
  12. Hey Hey Hey, tis been a while? How u doing?
  13. Things are good with me sorry for the late response, I'm just wondering if we're ever going t odo that lunch
  14. Things are okay. I got a new phone (my other one died), had a busy week as well. Things are only going to get busier. I'm kind of looking forward to it. How are you? Any luck on the job search?
  15. hey hey, how r things?
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