Conversation Between Fluffy and Bleachfangirl

8 Visitor Messages

  1. You like you mashed potatoes "mashed" and not "pureed" too! *high-fives*
    Don't worry, potato salad isn't good. It has the funny sweet flavor that weirds me out.
  2. I hope so too, and the same to you. =D
  3. lol, Thanks. =) Hope your last year has been good to you, and hope your new one is even better. =)
  4. Happy new year, Fluffy. Hope it comes with fun, happiness, and little girls for you. Maybe you'll find some more on your walks. Have a good one.
  5. I want! I want! *o* COOKIE!!!!
  6. I gives you a cookie. A chocolate cookie! You want~? It's good~.
  7. COOKIES!!! COOKIES!!! *o* I want a chocolate cookie, please.
  8. Just going to say hi. So... hi!!!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8