Conversation Between Cloudx7xstrife and Meier Link

6 Visitor Messages

  1. Thanks i kinda fiqured that out after a little while. my posts now would be near 200 lol
  2. Posting in sertain areas of the forums such as word games will not boost your post count. Only post that really contribute to the forum add to your post count. It has been done that way to help keep the post counts down. If they did count I would be above 3000 right now heh.
  3. Well what ever I did, it was not a problem haha.
  4. You seemed to do something. more than i could.
  5. I really didn't do anything.
  6. Thanks for your help in my thread. It seems like Nix finally calm down.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6