Conversation Between Victoria and Ryu-Kentoshii Hirokima

102 Visitor Messages

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  1. Hey Victoria, What You Been Up To Lately? Hope Everything Is Going Well For You.
  2. Hey dude, your sig's getting too big again. I highly suggest keeping it the size of about... mine.
  3. Hey Victoria Happy New Years, And I Hope You Had A Good Holiday.
  4. Hey Victoria
    How Are You These Days?
  5. LMFAO Anyway, How Are You?
  6. Man, you're so old now. I'm going to call you old man now. Take it easy, because you might break your bones because you're so brittle now.
  7. Okay.
  8. Make sure you don't use the frat to discuss "ideas to be used for the site" or whatever Ralz suggested. Because that is essentially the TFF Council.
  9. So, hows the Sorority doing?
  10. Okay. I'll make it tomorrow. If something gets out of line...please let me, or us know what the problem is first, before you make your decision of deleting the group.
    This way we can work it out. I am not the one who would be out of line, cause I know what I should and should not do in the Fraternity.

    Anyway, glad we got this figured out, and out of our Systems.
  11. Yeah, that's fine.
  12. Its okay. We are good now, Right? I would like to just put this behind us, is that alright with you?
  13. Yes, I did act rather hasty and judgmental. I'm sorry.
  14. That is what I said I would do. I never intended it to be filled with Spam, and have the same content as our Other Groups, I was making a Serious Fraternity.

    In the end, I got all emotional about it cause you never gave it a Chance. You went and Judged quickly that it was going to be Cheap, and Spammy.
  15. But.. Mel told me that you told her that you made it AFTER you got rejected. She even had a log of what you said. o_o;

    I dunno what's going on anymore. If you promise not to make it as bad as the other group content is, then I won't touch it.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 15 of 102
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