Conversation Between Victoria and Kurt Zisa

9 Visitor Messages

  1. XD Thanks.
  2. Nice Obliteration. You're really good at telling a story, I could pretty much see myself getting decapitated
  3. No problem.
  4. Ok then thats good that's what i get for being paraniod. Seriously did the guy have nothing better to do? i'll never understand some people. Anyway thanks a bunch for clearing things up Victoria.
  5. Oh. That person. I know who you're talking about now. Yeah we took care of that. It wasn't personal towards you at all. >.> This guy named El Gatopod made a duplicate account just to troll the place and...flame back towards it himself and take credit for getting rid of it.

    ..Sad, I know. -_-;
  6. The first one that i got said 'your pathetic' and it was a reply to my jounal thread, i didnt take it too seriously but i got the second one after i changed my username and because i was the most recent person to do so i kinda figured it was aimed at me. it said something like 'why don't you change your name to dickmunch'. I dont think i've even spoke to the guy who sent them or seen him around the site but trolls do work in strange ways.
  7. Hmm... it does seem weird. And yeah if they disappeared, then a mod probably deleted them. o.O What do the email alerts usually entail?
  8. Well i've had two email alerts about trollish posts in this forum over the last month in regard to (what i suspect) posts that i've made but when i look in the actual thread it's like the messages were never posted so i thought one of you mods might have deleted them or something (i dont know who these sort of things work) so i didn't really wanna make a big deal about it. I guess i should've come to you guys earlier >.>
  9. Email? o.o Duplicate account? >.>
    This sounds like important stuff that the staff should know about. (Unless the thing you're talking about is already taken care of and I'm just out of the loop. o.O ...I want to be in the loop. D: Let me innnn....)
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