Conversation Between Robbo and Squall

53 Visitor Messages

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  1. Even if i haven't theres always next year
  2. :/ Sorry to hear that bro. I'm sure it'll all work out in the end.
  3. Philosophy and Religion bro is where it's at although it's pretty safe to say i haven't gotten into the university i want
  4. And yeah I hear ya; tuition isn't cheap. I actually just made a payment for a summer class myself. What are you planning on majoring in?
  5. I've been waiting to change my name to Squall lol...I'm sure I'll change it again.
  6. Hah you took my old name 'tis a good name although becomes old quickly
  7. pretty good it's hard though for 9 grand a year i should be able to draw my **** in crayon and give that to them
  8. I'm good man, can't complain. How's school going for you?
  9. Heya dude sorry for replying so late trying to get into Uni harder than it seems haha, how's stuff with you.
  10. Hey bro, hope all is well.
  11. I'm doing well, can't complain. Had a good holiday week with the family and now it's time to start the Spring semester of college.
  12. things are pretty good on my end, how about you?
  13. Hey man, how are things? Happy new year to you too!
  14. Hey dude sorry i haven't been around much, still though i keep checking in so if you need anything, and i hope you had a good new years.
  15. Sounds like something out of a magic show, haha.
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