Conversation Between Selcopa and Unknown Entity

3 Visitor Messages

  1. I used china as it is the largest area of land, which would require the most amount of bombs obviously, As a significant factor of war is simply outlasting your opponent, I find that having a massive supply of WMDs to be a very effective and brilliant military tactic, the mere idea that as an opponent to the U.S will NEVER be able to outlast the weapon supply of the US is an excellent way to prevent full scale war.

    I do not think you hate the US, and I only attack your ideologies because that is what you do with free speech, in attempt to sway and strengthen your own
  2. You missed my point completely again. I'll have to check your post out though, but I'm sure it's as much the same as this VM.

    I wasn't criticising the US for Hiroshima in my post, although it's certainly true that the US did drop the bomb. I only used Hiroshima because it's a more known event. My point was that your country houses some really devastating weaponry, and you're view of it making you feel safe because you have the firepower to take out the whole of China if you wished was pretty sick.

    That type of destructive power, whether it "makes you safe" or not shouldn't be thought of like that. With weapons like that comes great responsibility. And your responsibility as an American - no, wait - as a HUMAN is to not go running your mouth to start wars so that you can launch a couple of WMDs at someone.

    Also, I'd greatly appreciate it if you stopped thinking I hated America. Because I really don't. It's an amazing country that I will visit and maybe live in someday. Just because I've thrown a couple of accusations at your country, doesn't mean I won't elsewhere. My country isn't the greatest, and we've done some bad things in the past, and don't I ****ing know it.
  3. Hey,

    I posted in the Bush ID thread again, I wanted to directly ask you this question on its own, but it is also in my post, however it is lumped in with many other questions, and i have asked it a few different times yet have never gotten a response(from many people who seem to skip over it)

    Anyways the question: You(and others) have criticized the US for bombing Hiroshima under the statement of millions of innocents lost. However I have presented you with the documented fact, that the US flew airplanes over Hiroshima dropping messages for everyone to see, that the US was going to destroy this place, and advising them to leave.

    Since we have this fact established, how much blame can you put on the US for killing these 'innocents' and how much blame do you put on those citizens, who no doubt received the message, and chose to not flee the location?

    Love the discussions
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