Conversation Between Yoko and LocoColt04

9 Visitor Messages

  1. Yes I did.
  2. OMG!!!! You're my hero! You met Ali!!!!!!!!!!! That's the best picture ever!
  3. Good evening!
  4. LOCO!!!! loco loco loco loco.......




  5. It's like being in high school again. It's really not so bad. I had a lot of people calling my work phone to talk to me today though.
  6. Pete's Sorta glad you're okay. Just a little.

    How are things now? I hate how you don't have a phone to answer me with. What's it like to be out of contact with people for a few days?
  7. Yes!!!!!!!

    Written in all caps by the way, ****ing TFF editing shit when I don't want it to.
  8. All things with time!
  9. Thanks for the sympathy. I think things will get better. Slowly but surely.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 9 of 9