Conversation Between Belugn and Rhaps

6 Visitor Messages

  1. Haha Parakiss is like one of the few shoujos that I actually like XD I think I finished watching it over a night. That was a few years ago now however.
  2. It's ok lol and she made me watch the whole damn thing, luckily it was only 12 ep. of Paradise Kiss. . . . .
  3. ahaha i haven't watched a shojo anime in ages, never really liked any of those. Let alone anime in general, kinda miss it but school and life is eating away at me. What abomination have been forced upon thee by your girlfriend? xD

    Well as I've already mentioned, life has kept me REALLY busy lately. "Luckily" my boyfriend's military exercise won't be finished until next wednesday, so I've got a lot of time on my sleeve for school related business this weekend. Sorry for the late reply, hope you're doing well. <3
  4. I'ma being a girly man and watching shojos TT.TT stupid girlfriend requests
    What about choo?
    Thanks on teh sig lol
  5. HEYLO!
    waddup? : >
    Haha, I'm loving your signature so much.
  6. helloooooo!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6