Conversation Between loaf and nix

15 Visitor Messages

  1. I never taught of that, that's brilliant lol, although im sure he will likely continue as if the deaths all a lie, like Elvis..
  2. I think I'm the only one who lols at his posts.

    Because, when the real Clint Eastwood dies, will he continue to post?
  3. and yes my phone camera blows.
  4. hahaha that pic is from 2 weeks ago when I was in cali.
  5. I only know Fifa now because my friend's and I bought the 2010 version for 360 and we would just play it for hours at his house hahaha.

    I miss being dominate in FPS, I'm not how I was in High much RPG and MMOs.
  6. Oh i know you would still win, i dont even know the buttons... Last soccer game i played and enjoyed was sensible soccer on the megadrive,.. So yeah, long time..

    FPS is where its at and it's where i dominate >=)
  7. God, just the dumbass MMO players thinking they know more then us.
  8. Right, i have played those cods, didnt think much of them and neither did the COMPETITIVE gaming scene, sorry.

    You see im basing my knowledge on peoples general interest/support the world over, as opposed to my own personal opinion. The fact counterstrike is one of the most influential team based fps's to date and has been one of the top dogs in lans world wide in terms of team play. For single player death match skillz, Q3 CPMA is top dog.

    Hit boxes have been an issue in pretty much all FPS games and lag/latency also plays a big part here, regardless, at the end of the day, its fastest hand/eye coordination that will get you the kills. For COD games, i felt there was always an issue with hit reg, which in my opinion, is a bigger bummer factor than hit boxes.

    And in regards to your wow pvp, you know more about your own scenario, i myself have played in over of handful of different servers and always find balance issues in terms of PVP and the only world pvp ive seen over the last few years, is guilds zerging capitals for bear mount runs. You must be on one of the few balanced pvp servers in the world, as most in europe are imbalanced, usually in the favour of horde.
  9. I knew you would react like that. I take it you never played CoD1 and it's expansion. It took roughly 3 years to bring out 2. CoD1 is nothing like CoD2 and anything after it. Anybody who compares CoD1 to it's "sequels" don't know shit about CoD. I never said Zerg, we didn't zerg shit. This was legitimate PvP against the only other guilds who can compare to us. don't assume I just zerg liek some scrub clan. I play QuakeLive (Quake 3) and in a matter of a week I was on top servers. If you move to a wrong spot, you get blasted ez. I agree Quake 3 is the best but some terms of skill can be debated.

    CS 1.6 and even CS:S have lots of problems that even you yourself would yell out in rage saying that that player sucks in every aspect of that game and yet they still killed you. The fact that the headshot range in 1.6 was the size of an original xbox says enough to me. It's still a great shooter, I'm not denying that.
  10. Also, Zerging SW isnt my idea of world pvp, especially since its just one big lag bomb. Id prefer to infiltrate SW and cause havoc with a small group and not deal with an endless amount of spawning guards. Let the players defend their capital. Every flight point area has elite guards everywhere, its quite silly really. Also flying mounts have also taken away from it with people getting away far to easily.
  11. In terms of skill? Seriously Loaf get your shit together, the fact that there is a COD game released every year totally eradicating ANY competitive scene from growing supports my claim. CS has had what.. 2 releases over the past 15 years, 1.6 and source. Its also the only game to have a televised and high payout for winners in terms of comps/leagues. COD is now catered to newbs with perks, people used to have to use their own skill to gain an advantage, now skill is unlocked. trust me, im playing competitive FPS since Delta force 1 and Quake 2 lithium. The only FPS that has dawned any kind of major competitive scene is CS, Quake and Unreal tournament, everything else is a cash cow fps populated by players who will be bored of the game after a few short months. Ive played CS since CS beta, that 15 years running. RAWR
  12. You also fail to realize that CoD1 and it's expansion is superior to CS in terms of more skill. CS and CoD1 are the 2 best shooters every.
  13. NO! TBC Was fun!
  14. Nix, WoW sucked after 8 months of release. It sucked long before TBC.
  15. I don't either, others in the thread do, its them i want him to answer too, but hes clearly retarded
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 15 of 15