Conversation Between Lunasa and Fate

8 Visitor Messages

  1. Hi, Luna! Actually, it was I who started to revive that thread from last August!
  2. Hey sis, I am in desperate need of your assistance to exorcise Meier Link in the Fighting Arena!^^
  3. Sure! Luna is fine!
  4. uhm... can I call you Luna?
  5. I managed to add you to it...
  6. ^^ Thanks! I am needing for family members to start my signature, so you're like, what, another older sister for me??
  7. Wow, you're only 13? You could be a little brother. Haha. I have a sister the same age.
  8. hey there! i like always see you at my threads^^
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8