Conversation Between foster kid and AbysalDarkness

5 Visitor Messages

  1. hey man whats up
  2. well my gaming life is kicking ass as always lol but real life well drama drama drama basically. i got more hours at work so thats good ....have you played fall out? since its from the guys that did oblivion i think i wanna try it out, but i wanna get a second opinion
  3. hey man how are you
  4. hey brother man i started a group called metal militia and i want you to join.....and i uploaded new pic to the group if you wanna check it out and even more in my profile
  5. so how you been ? have not talked to ya in a while........ i had an interesting evening..... we had my girls b day party tonight since everyone is busy from tommorrow until monday and her b day is saturday ........ had some cake that i actually liked and i seen twilight for the first time.......
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 5 of 5