Conversation Between TheNiteAngel and Zargabaath

11 Visitor Messages

  1. That's cool man, I hope you have a good one! I was pretty lazy all day, went comic shopping, and ate out with the family. Got a few new Thors, a Ghostrider and a Green Lantern. By the way I saw the movie a couple days ago. It was really good and I think rather than being a casual fan, I may start to pick up a few of the newer GL comics. I think tomorrow we're gonna go out to another movie and then play some laserquest or somethin. Anyway have a great 23rd man
  2. Enjoy your birthday. Mine's tomorrow.
  3. That sounds cool I haven't been out to that one. I generally go to a mix of Trilogy on Princess Anne by Newtown (just dropped by and picked up 5 more Thors today), Fantasy Escape off of VB Blvd by Town Center, or Comic Kings out on Holland
  4. I would say favorite would be Green Lantern. Though I do like Batman, Superman, X-Men and some others a lot as well. I may go up to Atlantic Comics in Portsmouth soon to see what they have.
  5. Yeah, we've both enjoyed them for a while, but not really collected much. I just recently got into that and I have quite a few consecutive Mighty Thor and others from comic shops in the area. She has a more eclectic taste though I think when it comes to comics. Most people pick one of the Marvel or DC mainstays as their favorite, but she likes some Third Party comics like Shi and Vampirella and their crossovers. She loves a good marvel or DC movie, but those are mainly the one's she collects. Who's your favorite as far as superheroes go?
  6. I didn't know a lot about the Thor comic book series though perhaps I should have saw that Loki would be the villain since I know some Norse Mythology. A bit of a downer there, but they got to start somewhere with the story/character.

    Is your gf into comic books as well?
  7. As to the Laserquest, it's been a casual hobby for a while, but my brothers (23 and 15) started playing more often and got memberships while I was at college this last semester. They started bringing me along again and I bought the membership as well. We do the Ironman missions pretty much every weekend, with my younger brother pretty much always winning by a large margin. He's pretty intense about it, almost too much sometimes, but it is really fun.

    I saw Thor at midnight release just because it's the comics I've always been into. Kinda that mythology comic tie-in that brings two of my big interests together. Anyway I thought that one was pretty good, but I can't wait for Avengers. I haven't gotten the chance for either of the other 2 yet, but I'll have an opinion after this week. My gf's coming down from Leesburg up in NOVA for my birthday and we have four movie passes so we'll probably see both of them together.
  8. Also, LaserQuest - awesome. One night 3 of my friends and myself went there. We maintained the high ground, kind of the bridge area, and were smoking people. Except for those 2 damn cheaters covering their sensors.

    I've been thinking of getting into comics staring with Green Lantern which was not brought specifically by the GL movie. It perhaps nudged me, but I have been a GL/Hal Jordan fan for some time. Have you seen the 3 comic book movies of this summer? If so, which did you like the best?
  9. I remember there being a person over in Hampton, but I believe he was moving back to AZ or something.

    I'm attending TCC as of now. Been *****footing for the past 4 years - pretty bad. Been taking too much time. But I have events in my life set in motion.
  10. That's really cool man! There's some crazy odds in that, man. I've got a lot of friends out in Chesapeake. I go to Virginia Wesleyan College over on the VB-Norfolk border
  11. Dude I live in the city right next to you - Chesapeake. 757!!!!
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