Conversation Between T.G. Oskar and Furore

28 Visitor Messages

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  1. I noticed a distinct lack of Oskar and I was gone from TFF a month myself.
    I'm glad I managed to find that ebuddy app earlier this morning tbh.
    It'd been too long.
  2. Had to take a month off, but I never announce it. You can be sure that if I ever leave TFF, no one will probably notice it.

    In other news: my old lappy is hitting the bucket pretty soon. But fear not; given that relying on one single computer is terrible, I now have a fresh new one. It even has a webcam! Though...I need to know how it works...
  3. Long time no hear from dude.
    What up?
  4. Oskar my main Paladinigga!
    Sound like a place with a worthy cause in mind?
    We're certainly short on Paladins.
  5. Yeah no Paladin must be terrible for you.
    But chin up, you could always make your character look Paladinish with clothing. Or like a transvestite. Transvestite Paladin?
  6. Hooray for you! That means...more time for gaming?

    I'm...actually waiting for Breath of Death VII. I got the original Fable through the Marketplace, and am working to play with it just to go well with Fable II. I miss some of the stuff I could do with the first game (such as building an honest-to-goodness Paladin, complete with title from the Church of Avo), and I need some more training to deal with the coliseum-themed section of Fable II to reap all the benefits.
  7. Took my 360 gaming offline as the alerts kept bugging me as were a few friends who felt a need to keep sending chat invites at a rapid pace/talk shit.
    Didn't really play much multi anyway.

    I'm good, worked EVERY night for the past four or so weeks and am stoked to finally get two nights off later this week.
  8. Not much. You have a new X-Box Live account, by any chance? You've seem to have erased the old one...(I can't seem to see you, in any case).

    Also, duking it out in the unusually early Hero/Villain elimination threads. Oh, and happy that the All-Star winner of last year (after a long and grueling test) was Terra.
  9. Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuude.
  10. I don't. ^^;; I haven't played Lost Odyssey in a while now.
    Hell, I don't think I've played it once on my newer 360.
  11. OH SNAP!!! And just when I lack an iPod Touch... (Screw iPhone; don't wanna change my cellphone service provider...and the best Android substitute is the MyTouch from Google)

    On other stuff: Howl of the Departed restores my faith in Uematsu and epic final boss battle songs. Dark Saint trips me up by the use of the cowbell. And Iwadare still makes the best battle songs, along with Sakuraba.

    Which reminds me: you recall what's the quote provided on the status screen for Jansen? Or a place where it may be? Wanna submit a Jansen avy/sig combo to let ol' Orland(ea)u take a well deserved rest with the living legends.

    And I hear Shining Force is one of the launch titles. =D
  13. More ranting. Look at it from the perspective of what it might mean in terms of that outside our perception.
  14. Have you ever questioned what thinking is?

    It's the way we perceive what we experiment.

    If we deem it so, we deem it to exist. Even if it's all in our minds, to us it exists, and there's nothing to prove it wrong.

    Thus, when we think, we make things exist.

    And why would someone would make an illusion that we are thinking? That way, we get proven we exist even faster: someone wants us to think we aren't thinking. Which is irrevelant, since we think we exist, therefore we exist. And when we think we don't...we exist too, since otherwise you'd have to stop thinking.

    And you can't do that...unless you're dead. Or in coma. And people awake from coma, so that means we exist beyond this life.

    Answer good enough for you? Or do I need to...digest a bit more ranting for ya?
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