Conversation Between Rufus shinra and Unknownangel

5 Visitor Messages

  1. Hey it been a while, hows it goin?
  2. Al right got a lot of books, a bracelet of a green gem that I just forgot about, a wooden frog with a stick and you use the stick to make it do rib-biting noise, a pare of jeans and a long sleeve shirt and t-shirt, sweat wristbands, oh the bracelet is jade, a nice jacket thing from nana that is green and gold with designs to match my eyes in some way, and I don't think thats why she chosen the fabric, a head band, and a few other things I don't remember. I saw some cousins and such that I don't see that often. Played wii on one of my cousin's wii with him, my uncle, and other cousins. And yah it was alright. I justed finished semester exams last week. And this weekend was very cold. And our water is not working at this very minute with water dripping into the kitchen or was. Probably dad turned off the water to stop it. I can tell you the story some other time if you want. And I'm grounded from electricity things for 2 day. But I was grounded from the computer since last week. So thats part of my life right now. And so I won't be on here longer than usual for a long time. I'm just so happy, not.
  3. Hello sorry i didn't reply earlier aint been on here in ages, Christmas was alright ****ing hate all this snow though, it's even snowing now as i speak how was your christmas?
  4. Hey hows it goin it been a while. Got any plans for xmas?
  5. Hey!Thanks for being friends with me.I see you like tennis do you play?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 5 of 5