Conversation Between Alther Primus and Fate

597 Visitor Messages

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  1. Faaaaaate! I haaaaaveeee rettuuuuurnnnnnede frooooom theeee graaaaaaave!

    Nah, I'm just back. Alive. I never died.
  2. Ahem, I would like your opinion on my Zasalamel Dissidia character please?
  3. Simply put: It's MK Extreme!
    And there are addons scattered!
  4. I haven't used it yet, but from everything I've heard and seen of it, it looks really fun. =3
  5. K (I like the Mortal Kombat Project!)
  6. Go with MUGEN! ^_~
  7. Not bad, just debatin whether to mess with DooM or mess with MUGEN.
  8. Loool, heya. I'm feeling all right, though I could be better. Other than that, I've a busy day on forums ahead of me. =p
    How are you? =)
  9. *Spears you*
    *Pulls you over*
    How are you today?
  10. I randomly genreated names, and now we are discussing the names.
    I would LOL if everyone said "Harmony Sinnerchanter should replace Fate"
    Go look and discuss!
  11. I thought you were gonna randomly decide? =p
  12. Well, now you can go help decide our villain's new name...
  13. Hey Fate, mind if we keep your name the same in the chronicals? Think of it as a homage to you!

    If not, I'll be going to *Gasp* RANDOM GENERATORS!
  14. Sent!
  15. o_O Search for "Jan and Kefka's school of evil" on youtube, I LOL'd at the one with pokemon.

    *prefers Marilyn Manson*
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 15 of 597
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