Conversation Between Occult and Exxdeath666

9 Visitor Messages

  1. Crispin Freeman plays the voice of:
    Alucard from Hellsing
    Ebisu and Itachi from Naruto
    Hector the Devil Forgemaster from Castlevania: Curse of Darkness
    Kyon from the Melancholy of Hiruhi Suzamiya
    and as Rude from Final Fantasy VII Advent Children and Crisis Core...
    Meh, I think Golbez qualified as cool... until I found out he was being mind controlled. He lost all badassness when that was found out...
  2. Who's that? O_o

    Im psyked to see him close up and in action!
    I just wish it was Zemus instead of Golbez. Golbez is just an inferior Exdeath. They are too alike... appearance-wise
  3. If Crispin Freeman plays the voice of the Evil Lord Exdeath in Dissidia, I think my heart wil be completely sold to Dissidia...
    I know a lot of Kekfa fanboys are pissed cos he looks like Joker from batman
    But he's exactly as Amano's artwork protrays him
    I just don't like the Japanese VA. Hopefully the English will be better
  5. Hey man. I know you're doing all that you can. Its alright. What you say goes. BTW did you see the new Kefka Exclusive Dissidia Trailer?!
  6. Meh.. just leave it for now
    If someone wants to join and hand us some suggestions then thatll be good too
    Or if you think im holding it back I could ask it be deleted and you make a Dissidia RP with your ideas, you may have a bigger cast of RPers your way ^_^
  7. Are you saying we should just drop the hole thing? Or just to get rid of the #s and stats.
  8. I dont understand a word he said
    Anyways... im not really a "Avid RPer"
    All the stats added totally confused me. I have only RPed once before (in a Resident Evil RP that I created on a forum of my own with friends that has been ongoing for nearly a year now) and its more about character relations than relying on numbers. I only really saw it as a story RP where characters added scenes to the story not pitting numbers off against one another ... im afraid im lost when it comes to that...
  9. Hey man I have a thread advertizing the dissidia roleplay thing, and there's a guy who posted something interesting (and long) on there. Check out "Are There Any D&D Fans Out There?" to see more...
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 9 of 9