Conversation Between Locke4God and Alpha

25 Visitor Messages

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  1. Well yeah, it is fitting that a "liberal" has a "liberal" philosophy. That's generally how it works, how observant.

  2. What does that mean? You'd rather give up than try? Sounds like the philosophy of a lib to me, how fitting.
  3. "Surrender for peace. Not fight for peace."
  4. Ok,,, well I'll stop commenting when you stop acting like some liberal hippie little bitch
  5. Just stop talking. I made a small sentence that amounted to a factual observation. You cannot deny that. Then you blew it out of proportion, and are proving to me that you are more annoying than I have ever imagined. I'm about to block you, so good day sir.
  6. At the very least I have to justify my omission? You mean I need a warning lable to identify a topic as strait male oriented? Seriously? You're kidding right?

    I find it irritating that you would find that irritating. I mean so what? Rocky made your own poll about men. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand? What's the problem? I say good for her, but why should my poll, if I was interested in finding out the impression of straight men on a topic, be forced to included a women option?

    You're being so obnoxiously overly politically correct, that it's not even funny.
  7. No, not every topic ever made has to explicitly include every gender, sexual orientation, etc. At the very least, however, you should justify your omission. You have still failed to do that. We have females here; are they unable to choose a partner on a basis of ethnic preference? I just found it... irritating... that Rocky then had to go and make a (half serious) thread that includes women, just because yours did not (without even an attempt at justifying why).
  8. In short,,,, why can't I post a question that includes gender? So what? What's your point? Like it's a problem, or abnormal or something.
  9. Gender came into it because it was a question a straight guy asks to another straight guy. I don't go up to my guy friends and ask them what type of women, or men, they prefer. It wasn't meant to be inclusive of women's taste for men, or a gay guys taste for men. And I called you a douche for even brining up the idea that every topic ever posed has to be considerate of gays or women. It was straight up straight guy only question. What's not to understand?
  10. Just made an observation. If you wanted to ask which ethnicities people are attracted to, cool. I just don't understand why gender came into it at all. What if I like black _men_? If ethnicity was your objective, the gender part was curious.

    I don't mean anything by it, I just noticed. And thanks for calling me a douche, because I warranted it after calling you... oh wait.
  11. 'Farmers' is a metaphor, for people with a full-time, paid occupation. Plenty of adults play video games. Certainly it's increasing as my generation (and the one above it; yours I suppose) gets on in years. The video game industry is just as large as the film industry.

    Also, what if I spent 20 hours per week reading... philosophy? Am I a detriment to society then, or do you just hate gamers?
  12. ehhhhhhhh,,, it implies you had enough money to get that game, but I think you would agree that most people buying video games are teens are early tweens on their first job, who barely have enough money to buy mac n cheese but spend everything they have on skateboards & video games. You can't pretend that most video game revenue comes from people in salaried positions. It comes from fry cooks & buggie pushers. Or as gifts.

    I'd be willing to bet almost 0 farmers play any significant amount of video games.

    And OK, i'll concede the point that by buying it you are contributing to the economic chain, and I'm cool with that as long as playing is kept to a fair minimum. These dudes on here that have played all of these games 20 times and spend 20 hours a week on them is undeniably out of control. That's a detriment to society, not a plus.
  13. Playing a video game implies that you bought something, and thus supported someone else having a job.

    Further, if one has purchased a game, they probably have an income, and therefore "contribute something to society" (though the unemployed can do this too).

    A farmer can milk cows at 5am, and play video games at 7pm. Again: not mutually exclusive.
  14. Ok,,, deal lets start with we Agree,,,


    Dairy farmers first of all produce something, so they're actually contributing to society by doing what they do all day. Have you ever made the world a better place by gaming?

    2nd - Because there is a forum for a topic doesn't imply that it is socially acceptable to engage in participation of that topic to excess. And I qualify spending an entire day, or even more than 2 hours at a time, excess in just about anything you're doing. PROVIDED however, that sure, you can spend a day doing so, but then probably not in any days following. IE; you can gamble all day once, but if you go back the next day it's probably not a good sign. you can watch porn for a few hours, but I don't do it every single day. you can eat junk food, but every day is bad. Point being that gaming 2-3 hours ever day should tell you that you need to get out more. It just does.
  15. Perhaps we do agree on more than we let on. Not porn though.

    It's just, I don't understand why you're complaining about people spending "too much" time on a game, when they could be doing something else. Of course they could. But this is a forum devoted to a video game series. There are more people here who could comfortably game for an entire week than you can shake a stick at.

    It's like going to a dairy farm and asking the farmers why they are milking their cows.
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