Conversation Between Draken Benvolaid and Rocky

8 Visitor Messages

  1. Christ kid, be more active on the forums alreadyyyyy! you hurt muh feelings!!
  2. yeah dawggg when are we supposed to play our next match?
  3. ah yes I remember now, that ffa I played pretty well, but I didn't do that great with the 4v4 stuff. I think I lost three games in a row there before I went to bed.. I think your team beat me on that construct game too, if I remember correctly.
  4. The FFA that you won the other day.
    The one with TC Catatholic and the others.

    Got 73 kills myself.
    I died 98 times...
    I killed you 34 times.
    You got 101 kills, doubled in the end, I think.
  5. which game were you talking about exactly because I can't seem to think of the one in particular where I beat all of ya, hmm.
  6. dood what is your MSN?
  7. hey those were some good games later, I'll play with you tomorrow.
  8. heyo I'll send you an F/R tomorrow, possibly for some halo action going down??
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8