Conversation Between Phantom and Victoria

18 Visitor Messages

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  1. so I can't respond to people discriminating against me? And I cant stand up for my gay rights toph? Yet they get off scott free, you really make me ill toph, well ill'er since I'm sick. (was looking at your convo with Silver)
  2. Yeah well I'm not surprized you feel hes right, I'm not surprized at all toph
  3. good good, just scraping by while looking for work. This recession is killing me.
  4. I'm doing okay. you?
  5. Hey Tophy, long time no talk how are ya?
  6. Hey Tophy Just dropping in to say HiHi Hope all is going well with you your diet plan, it will all work out ^_-
  7. Well, keep it up, your doing great
  8. Not stopping til I hit about 150'ish, and I'm currently 225. So.... Yes.
  9. Ah, can't complain, can't complain Still trying to drop the pounds?
  10. Oh, not much. How about you?
  11. Tophy! Hiya hun, how are ya?
  12. Heh I feel the same way
  13. Eh, I'm kinda bored. I feel like doing something but I don't know what. xD
  14. I'm doing fine, I'm hot, tired, and maybe somewhat grumpy XD How about you?
  15. Hey there Phantom. How are you doing?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 15 of 18
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