Conversation Between Block and Meier Link

7 Visitor Messages

  1. sorry bout the spam-a-thon
  2. Haha, nice. thanks!
  3. Happy birthday... I mean Easter... or both.
  4. Thats awesome haha. That is some funny ****.

    Thats koo that you and Che are tight like that IRL.
  5. not my douche!!! lol! I just like to post a picture with everything I say. funny about che and me, he's like my best friend irl.

  6. Haha nice. Not a problem. You remind me of Che so that is a plus in my books.

    Also I was the mod that removed the picture of the oversized douche just to give you heads up. I talked it over with some of the other staff members and it didnt really violate rules but it was pushing the line heh.
  7. Thanks for the Thanks?

    not a sarcastic ty btw, just the funniest thank you image I could find at the time.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7