Conversation Between darkViVi and Victoria

9 Visitor Messages

  1. Yes I'm such a silly little rascal ^_^

    Oh and look at all my spam in your visitor messages
  2. A little. I knew you were just messing around with me. =P
  3. oops.. I totally effed up. Good thing someone invented copy+paste

    In a year yes, but nonetheless

    Ok, I'll admit it. I'm just screwing with your head.
    Is it working?
  4. Dude, that's like....the first one I've given you in like.. almost a year. o_O;
    I hardly ever warn people.
  5. You warned me. Thats illegal.

    No really, it's only fair. You have given me so many now
  6. Haha. Why? I didn't break any rules. =P
  7. + the 5(?) points from andro or whoever?

    make me mod so I can warn you back, tis only fair
  8. =P

    It was just 5 measely points. XD
  9. Pffft stop warning me
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 9 of 9