Conversation Between GHOSTED and Rebekah

8 Visitor Messages

  1. Were not happy. OK yeah I can talk on MSN. But its my first time ever using it so don't worry if I mess something up.
  2. we're not what? and thanks...wanna talk on msn? I can't stay on the forum for much longer
  3. I love ice cream! You must be older then me if you have a wife! Hope you are happy though. My parents were not.. lol
  4. doing great, eating ice cream cake with my ****ing wife!
  5. I am doing good. How are you doing?
  6. You're welcome! I see you accepted it too! How are you doing??
  7. Thanks! I got your friend request thingy!
  8. hey, welcome to the forum.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8