Conversation Between Fate and Alice

133 Visitor Messages

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  1. Burmese. Haha. And thank you~
  2. And happy birthday, you little kid~! ^_~
    Now I can't call you that anymore because we're a year apart. =(
    Enjoy your day! =D
  3. No wai! =O What kind of Asian? Jap? Chinese? Korean? Viet? Filipino? Et cetera?
  4. I'm Asian. Not short though. Haha.

    Can be if I want. So it's a 'meh'.
  5. Ah...Oh, God, it is. >< I have such horrible memory nowadays.

    Are you also an extremely lazy person, as stated by the Aussie stereotypes? X3 (I have the shortness of Asians.)
  6. Isn't the band called Zero Cipher? And no.

    Eh, somewhat. It varies. Haha.
  7. Like the band? =3

    Are you good at math, by any chance? ^_~
  8. Yeah, that's me.

    Haha. Mine too. Along with Media.
  9. Cipher zero? =S

    English has always been my favorite subject. ^_~
  10. Haha. Aw.

    I breezed through the English exam at least.
  11. Hah, I forgot I asked you, so I was just on MSN and I was like, "Hey, a request. Who are you?" xD

    Oh, me, too! D= I hate year-end work; they stuff a ton of stufe at you. Not fair. =(
  12. I shall.

    Ooh, great! Weekend right now. Exams for all of next week though.
  13. Oh, nothing much. School's almost out, though. =) How about you?
    Oh, add me on MSN, pwease ^.^
  14. Yo.
    What's new?
  15. *pokes, pokes, pokes*
    Hi, kid! =D
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 15 of 133
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