Conversation Between Dancing_Corpse and OceanEyes28

6 Visitor Messages

  1. I like it but I am still getting used to how the things work around here.
  2. Thanks is pretty much what it sounds like. People "thank you" for posts they like or say "no thanks" to posts they don't. If they liked it, the little dot will be green. If they didn't, it'll be red. If you see a gray dot, that person doesn't have enough posts to influence your "thanks" either way, but you can usually tell from their comment what their intentions were for the thanks.

    Are you enjoying your time at TFF so far?
  3. Also I would like to know what thanks is because someone gave it to me for a thread i started and I don't know if thats good or bad.
  4. Just people to be able to talk to about FF and other video games cause most of my friends only play FPS which I don't cause I suck at them so I cant really talk about rpgs with them.
  5. Haha okay, excellent! Great to hear from you/meet you. I'll help you out in any way that I can.

    What do you think you're looking for, in terms of what you want your experience on this forum to be?
  6. Yay your my adopter person I think xD
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6