Conversation Between seanb and Assassin

13 Visitor Messages

  1. Nice!
    Here's one from me:
  2. HAHAH they're brilliant

    and shes just gorgeous

    heres some more I found

  3. Hahahaha funny picture

    But I bet I can beat that! How about this:
  4. cool sig

    seen this before? lol
  5. Hey, how are you getting on?
    I'm not too bad. Getting used to using ebay for the first time recently .. other than that everything is pretty normal
  6. Hiii ... How are you???????
  7. Hey thenx for acceting ma freind request ....... Actually i waz thinking to send u 1 but alwayz used to forget ........ Anyway howz ur day????????
  8. ah no problem, sure we all have important things to be at (:
    I'm quite tired, had a long day yesterday the hung out with a couple of friends all night... hmmm. perhaps some final fantasy is in order
    so is there anything exciting happening with you?
  9. Sorry for not replying ur msg ......... I had to do sumthin important ........ So how r ya??????
  10. hey whats up? (:

  11. Hey ... Howz it goin????????
  12. hey whats up? (:
  13. Hi !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 13 of 13