Conversation Between T.G. Oskar and ChloChloAriadne

8 Visitor Messages

  1. Oh, but hello there Miss Froggie.

    Care to take a seat? My servants shall take care of your dragons. Please feel at home and watch my ever-growing collection at least once.
  2. Whai Hai, Os-Kar.
  3. *pokes Froggeh with a magic wand ditched by a naughty Seelie fairy*

    Hush! Hush! I gotz good news for you!

    Welcome to the Dragon Cave Fansite! <- For all your dragon needs. (No, it's not cheating. And I'm sharing)

    TFF Dragon Owners Unite!!
  4. Rawr!! I are white clean egg twainer now!!

    Onward, my fleet of silver (?) dragons!!

    *Also YARR!!! for hatched egg!!!*
  5. Oh noes! *adds to list*

    And I hope he hatches ^^;. I love him already.
  6. Fruuu-gehhh!! (Yeah, time and time again I like to pronounce your name as this. Out loud. I AM NOT MAKING THIS UP)

    Seen those dragons here and there. Dang, I was getting tempted to adopt one and now you're adopting one...hmm, the possibilities.

    Also...I'm not at your family?!?!?!? How can that be possible!??!?!?
  7. Haha, yes, perfect guy for an avatar such as that.

    And no, I don't mind =0. Why thank you.
  8. Hmmm...
    Mental Instability...
    Low Self Esteem...
    And few words...with moving imagery...
    Why don't you get a pic of Shinji crying? There are loads of such in the Net!!
    Honestly, were I to pick an avy with those terms, I'd look for that guy in a heartbeat.

    P.S. Do you mind if I tell ya you look hawt?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8