Conversation Between Michael Swayne and Azuteor

3 Visitor Messages

  1. I have spoken Chinese for years, and my favorite channels to watch was CCTV and CCTV-E. One day I was watching a concert of soprano Tan Jing performing at the Great Wall. The show after that was a drama that I can't remember the name of (though I could go on for hours about the story). I watched it on CCTV-E to further strengthen both my Chinese and Spanish.

    After a few modern dramas, all CCTV would air were the historical ones. I found those boring, so I went back to watching the concerts and events. Then when I got Internet, I started branching out from Chinese dramas. And the suggested videos on YouTube were always of Korean or Taiwanese shows. So, I watched those. My Korean is nowhere near as strong as my Mandarin, but I did manage to watch the first four episodes of Dream High without subtitles. Then my brain hurt, so I lazed around and watched the rest with subtitles.
  2. Wow! What got you into watching Asian dramas?
  3. Yeah, I started watching them a couple months ago. So far, I have seen both seasons of Dream High, and the Korean adaptation of Hana Yori Dango. I started watching Korean dramas when there weren't any interesting Chinese ones on.
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