Conversation Between Freya and Kurt Zisa

7 Visitor Messages

  1. Thank you ma'am it's much appreciated
  2. Sounds great!
    I'll add you to the list now, my lovely new adopter
  3. I can't find any record of me sending them to you so I'll do it again

    Age: 18
    Gender: Male
    Favourite FF: III, VII, XII in no order. They're all really fun games to play.
    Interests: Gaming (Pokemon, Final Fantasy, Tekken), Reading Comics and Crime/Detective novels, Music is quite a big thing in my life, especially older Metal/Rock.
    Misc Info: I'm a Computer Science student and one of a few New Zealanders on this site. I'm a happy go lucky kinda guy, there's not much that can get me down. I love to meet new people and talk, although I generaly end up listening. I'm always wanting to help others out, so if you have any questions, I'll be more than happy to answer them. There's probably more but I forgot. You'll just have to choose me as your adopter and I'll tell you.

    How does that sound?
  4. Yays, great to hear you're going to be a real adopter now! :> As some haven't reacted to my "are you still alive?"-message, I really need some helping hands. Have you already sent me your data? I can't remember right now... >.<
  5. Hey Freya, could I please put myself forward as an adopter (politeness never hurts ) I'm always wanting to help others so I think it would be a good experience for moi and whoever I may adopt. Thanks a lot
  6. Glad I was able to help.
    I hope you'll have fun going on with your project, as it really sounds pretty interesting. ^^
  7. hey just wanna thanks for replying to my homework thread i should have enough info to carry on now
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7