Conversation Between HUNK and T.G. Oskar

6 Visitor Messages

  1. What, praytell is Etrian Odessy? My curiosity is piked.
  2. Oh, it's...a project I was working (currently not, since I have to reinstall the Wizardry game on my computer) to reunite walkthroughs and information about the Wizardry games, both in the US and in Japan.

    The best way to help would be to add more information about the games, but that would imply actually knowing the games and the proper Wiki format. As you can see, it's still quite incomplete so any help would be nice, but if you can't stomach games like Etrian Odyssey, then you might cringe a bit with these very old-school games.
  3. Just at a curiosity, what is Wizard Wiki? In your sig...I briefly looked over and it sounds cool. Can I help in anyway?
  4. Dang, I was really hoping to see more. Oh well.

    Anyway, I really enjoyed your work in Class Chronicles. Facinating read.
  5. Nope, currently it's on indefinite hiatus. It all depends on whether they wanna give it a go or not, but I can't say for sure whether it'll be revived or not.
  6. Just at a curiosity, Is the chocobo digest still being writen? (I was reading Class Chronicles and wanted to read more)
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6