Conversation Between Lily and Martin

9 Visitor Messages

  1. Erm... near a cemetary... I dont know the area all that well, I keep getting lost hahaha, ive had a few people say oh no, not langley I hope, so I know its not there! I got lost there looking for my dentist this morning though
  2. Ahh I see! Whereabouts?
    I have friends in Middleton
    Haha I suppose you're right, could have been tragic if I'd been wrong though..
  3. Yarp. I still work there, but I've moved to Middleton now. I'd say that was a good memory remembering that, not a bad one haha!
  4. Lily! You were the fine lady who lived in Ashton were you not? Bad memory and all that jazz, haha. How is the old place? Won't lie, I'm glad to have escaped..
  5. It's a small place. Chances are we've bumped into each other and just never realised... well obviously haha.
  6. I went to one in Hyde (HydeTech) Mothership still lives there, I've lived up Ashton a while now though, can't escape the bloody place!
  7. It's so strange... which school did or do you go to? High school ofc? I was a St. Damians reject haha.
  8. I live near there too hahaha. Small world an' all that xD
  9. How... bizarre. I'm an Ashtonian too! Lived here all my life. Not far from Tameside Gen.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 9 of 9