Conversation Between Sinister and Rocky

11 Visitor Messages

  1. That is EXACTLY what Busey would've said, too, given the situation. Lmao.
  2. rofl! I thought the same thing but idk if my ninja edit got in there before you repped me. but yes I definitely see it as well.
  3. happy birthday
  4. *nods* Yeah...the "funny" funny ones.
  5. happy birthday dude make sure you smoke one of those funny cigarettes for the occasion

  6. (in regards to your rep)
  7. why hello there!
  8. I have no idea! ^^; We are now, though. -Sin
  9. why aren't we friends?
  10. Great Tao, no. I admitted it freely. I was merely joking. I take offense very seldomly. But you are quite understanding, I am, by my own admission, manipulative by nature. But I took no offense. ^^ -Sin
  11. I pray that you didn't take the whole Machiavellianism thread into a negative view; I was just referring to your past posting mannerisms/style and what you said earlier in the thread, if that makes any sense..
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 11 of 11