Conversation Between Fearless and Kilala

23 Visitor Messages

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  1. Oh I say! *Smiles mischievously* I shall concoct some plans for my promotion then... You can rely on me ^~
  2. Very good. 8D
    Keep this up and you may get a promotion from sidekick to Vice-Overlord.
  3. Yes. Baked to perfection with a twist of pure evil for added texture and tantalising taste for the taste buds<3
  4. Are they evil baked goods?
  5. That's me ^~*stands proud with a selection of baked goods* xD!!!!
  7. You shall have them all! Including the Kilala special ^~
  8. Oh, I like EVERY type of cookie ^^
    Chocolate Chip, Sugar, Peanut Butter, M&M, Pumpkin...
  9. I aim to please ^~. Do you have a particular favourite type of cookie? =n.n=
  10. Cookies? You are indeed the best sidekick evar ^^
  11. =O! For real? =3 Omigosh that would be so cool... I could be your sidekick *cackles*
    *Hands over a plate of cookies*
  12. Awwwwwww.
    You are just to cute.
    When the time comes, you may help me take over the world/universe.
  13. Thankies! ^_______^ *Bounces happily and glomples you*

    You are too kind <3

    You are forgiven <3
  15. You 'Le Gasp' too?! Ahhh my gawd x3 I'M NEVER LETTING YOU GO *Clings onto your leg* xD

    Errr... How to recover from that... I don't know;; Forgive me =<.>=
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 15 of 23
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