Conversation Between Howling Wind and che

22 Visitor Messages

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  1. /poke. Do you still exist?
  2. It's OK Che. Sure most men do. Just don't pork any XD
  3. Oh jeez. LOL
  4. Wow Che. CHE LIKES TEENS?!
  5. LOL Dude, I just got it for 12$ on PS4. It's like this old ass dude. (He's way older than me), but the girl is 14. Pretty cool stuff. Now this sounds super creepy.
  6. Ugh. I feel bad now because I haven't had a chance to play this game yet. YEAH I KNOW ITS OLD NOW CHE BUT NOBODY LETS ME BORROW IT ;-;

    Sorry ILY
  7. Hm, I started playing The Last of Us. Reminds me of me and you.
  8. Che you are such a **** XD but I still <3 you.
  9. It's not a matter of not liking him, just -- when has he ever been right?!

    PS. Missed you too!
  10. Oh che. I missed you. Why do you no like loaf?
  11. Don't listen to whatever loaf tells you. He's wrong.
  12. Hi what the ****
  13. Jerk!
  14. sux2bu then! mwuahahaha
  15. I know dude xD

    But don't worry, I didn't take that stuff O.O
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 15 of 22
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