Conversation Between Sinister and OceanEyes28

57 Visitor Messages

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    Same website I linked you to before.
  2. So. You mentioned that you'd want to know next time I recorded any musical endeavors. You might have a lot to listen to soon. My dad and I messed around with recording equipment tonight and ended up with a very (very) (I can't stress to you how very) rough draft of what we're going to do with the song once we record it again. I've written a few songs that we wanted to start recording, so there will be more. This song was written by my dad, though. I got antsy and wanted to get the experience of recording something.

    ANYWAY now that I've qualified this song to hell, I'm going to link you to where you can find this recording and any future recordings. Because I like you.

    Alisyn Reid | Little Rock, AR | Folk / Americana / Accoustic | Music, Lyrics, Songs, and Videos | ReverbNation

    There are some random noises and a few sour guitar notes, but you'll just have to forgive me.
  3. Lol!!! Thanks, Ally. I'll do my best this year. But you try too, cause everybody deserves to have a good year.

    May we both lick special...privates? lol
  4. I neglected to wish you a happy birthday on the proper day. And after your response in the oral sex thread made me snort with giggles, I figured now would be a good time. Hope that particular day was good and I hope the rest are too. Have a good year. May you lick many privates (or just one special private, up to you).
  5. One of these days... And all we need to do is to smile and carry on. No worries, we'll make it.
  6. <3

    One of these days, you and I will be both be successful (whatever that means) and satisfied and we will barely remember the people who tried to make us otherwise. I like to think so, anyway.

    Thank you.
  7. Haha... I hope you don't get boxes and boxes of Celestial Seasonings.

    Patience is good. I practice it less often than I should, but I try.
  8. That's a good point... I'm positive they know nothing about tea, or what I like. And we'll see about this new roommate. I'll try and be very patient.
  9. Ooh, lucky you. I'm assuming they know what you like?

    Good luck with the new roommate. Even for the most charming among us, I'm sure it can be a little unsettling waiting to meet the stranger you have to live with. I hope he is not a creep. If he is, I suppose you could tie a sail to him and let your 50mph winds carry him away...
  10. I've been dodging rainstorms and shoddy weather. It's blustering pretty hard up here. 50mph gales. Propping myself up and bracing for a brand new roommate. Not to mention I'm completely out of tea and have been forbidden from buying any by relatives. Apparently, I'm getting a lot of tea for Christmas. lol
  11. I'm good! Just finished my third cup of tea on this rainy day. I'm recovering from acute bronchitis, but that's going pretty well. Walked my dog today and everything. We ran down a hill together. I coughed at the end, but not bad. How about you?
  12. *hugs* Hallo. How are you?
  13. Helloooooo
  14. Well, I decided either Oolong or Pu-erh and sampled some, that I could find, with regular glazed porcelain tea ware. I even tried fermented Pu-Erh. I just liked the nice green flavor with the taste of aged scotch that Ti Kuan Yin had. Although, I have to admit, I wish I had picked something cheaper. ^^;
  15. How did you decide which tea to season your teapot with? I'm thinking I might get a new pot soon, and I'm leaning toward a Yixing pot.
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